  1. França
  2. Alts de França
  3. Chantilly
  4. Château de Chantilly
4.7 (599 ressenyes)

Tiquets per a Château de Chantilly

Cavalls, castells, passejades pel bosc i llocs per fer pícnic: el dia perfecte fora de París

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2 opcions • des de 9,35 USD

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Combina els teus preferits a Château de Chantilly amb els de Chantilly. Algunes coses són millors de dues en dues.

Ressenyes per a Château de Chantilly

599 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

3 ressenyes
Justin,  France France
06 de gen. 2024
A fantastic place, well worth the visit, ticket prices so affordable especially considering the venue and its attractions.
Château de Chantilly: Skip The Line
Jacky,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
23 de set. 2024
It’s a fantastic place. The chateau is like a fairytale castle! The grounds are wonderful and the restaurant in the hamlet is wonderful. Good at lunchtime was great as was the welcome and service....
It’s a fantastic place. The chateau is like a fairytale castle! The grounds are wonderful and the restaurant in the hamlet is wonderful. Good at lunchtime was great as was the welcome and service. We spent a good few hours there but will definitely go again There is a great children’s playground too.
Château de Chantilly: Skip The Line
Robert ,  Australia Australia
13 de des. 2024
The chateau is magnificent as are the gardens. We were particularly impressed by the library and the video in the chapel. The meal in the restaurant was first class and the staff were a delight to...
The chateau is magnificent as are the gardens. We were particularly impressed by the library and the video in the chapel. The meal in the restaurant was first class and the staff were a delight to deal with.
Château de Chantilly: Skip The Line

Sobre: Château de Chantilly

El Château de Chantilly és un domini principesc a pocs quilòmetres de París, que ofereix una gran visió de la vida i els amors dels VIP francesos. El castell alberga el Museu Condé i els seus apartaments principescos, una impressionant col·lecció de pintures, una biblioteca i arxius que contenen més de 13.000 llibres, inclòs el manuscrit més valuós del món.


10:30 - 17:00
10:30 - 17:00
10:30 - 17:00
10:30 - 17:00
10:30 - 17:00
10:30 - 17:00


10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
10:30 - 18:00
Château de Chantilly
7 rue Connétable, 60500, Chantilly
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