The ticket, which is very expensive, contains many uninteresting features that are forcefully included in the ticket cost. Moreover, at the ticket offices it turns out that this ticket cannot be...
The ticket, which is very expensive, contains many uninteresting features that are forcefully included in the ticket cost. Moreover, at the ticket offices it turns out that this ticket cannot be used (e.g. Hagia Sophia, Hagia Sophia Museum, etc.). The scandal was the situation when, despite having this ticket, I still had to stand in a long queue to Hagia Sophia and additionally spend 25 euros on another ticket!!!!! The Archaeological Museum is 2/3 under renovation and is inaccessible, which is not mentioned on the website or in the guide. When I asked him at the museum how many hours it would take us, he said it had 3 huge parts and 9 hours. However, it was mostly closed and I finished the tour after an hour. Didn't the guide know about this??? Mr. Hasan, a great guide, talks very interestingly about the monuments. To sum up: it is not worth buying the Istanbul Ticket Pass.
Istanbul City Tourist Pass
27 de març 2024
Molt dolenta
Galata Tower, in case you wonder where the heck is your ticket, they only send it after 12:00, so don't bother to get it earlier. Madame Tussauds, way to small and not really worth visiting,...
Galata Tower, in case you wonder where the heck is your ticket, they only send it after 12:00, so don't bother to get it earlier. Madame Tussauds, way to small and not really worth visiting, quite a lot of fake figurines. Tokapi Palace, it is beyond joke you cannot enter by yourself. The guide was supposed to arrive on time and showed up at 11:00. It takes forever to enter for all participant, scan the QR code, this is 2023. Skip the line is so fake, official skip the line is on the other side of the building, you simply go where everyone goes, it takes minimum 20 minuets to get through security, then another 20 to enter the palace and then the most boring thing happens, the guide talks and talks about one of the places in the palace building which is not even included. What a waste of half an hour instead of walking and stopping to explain briefly and repeat. Lesson for new people, once you after the ticket check, go and explore yourself and do not even bother wasting your time on the guide, not worth it. Bosporus Sightseeing, this is the place when they rip you off the most, a person came in and returned the ticket, do you think he got the full refund, forget about it, they stole 300TL from him by not giving it back to him. Your stop is not really the only stop, after the Dolmabahce Palace is another stop people will enter/leave. Om the boat men will force you drinks; these are not free so say it clearly you do not want anything. Bosporus Dinner, don't bother if you are Celiac, they do not have anything, sitting and watching others eating is no fun. Eyup Mosque ok to visit, but you only have 20 minutes and the mass of people will not allow you to see what you need to see. Better to go there by yourself. Pierre Lorri simple cable car with the view, just go there yourself. Don't fall into the discount for mobile WiFi, it is not discounted at all, they lie. Cheaper option is either at the airport or in the store. Miniaturk not worth it, if you alever been to Brussels mini-Europe you will understand what I mean. Everything here looks so plastic it does not resemble real mini buildings, such a waste of time, no wonder they connect that with the mosque and Pierre Lotti. Overall be critical of what you wish to see and do not fall for this discount, it is simply not worth it.
Istanbul City Tourist Pass
United Kingdom
17 de maig 2022
This is a great pass for guided tours and the Bosphorus dinner. There's quite alot of options and depending on how long you'll be in Istanbul you won't use all. Be mindful that some tours aren't...
This is a great pass for guided tours and the Bosphorus dinner. There's quite alot of options and depending on how long you'll be in Istanbul you won't use all. Be mindful that some tours aren't going ahead because the venue is closed.
Istanbul City Tourist Pass
Sobre: L'Aquàrium d'Istanbul, Florya
L'aquari d'Istanbul, situat al barri de Florya d'Istanbul, és la llar d'una gran quantitat d'animals aquàtics i amfibis, així com capibares... però són bons nedadors, així que s'adapten perfectament!
Si busques les meravelles de l'oceà, llavors tens sort. L'aquari d'Istanbul és la llar del tauró guitarra, el caimà nan de Cuvier (una petita espècie de cocodril que es troba a Amèrica), els pingüins papallona i una impressionant varietat de peixos de tot el món.
Trobaràs al voltant de 17.000 criatures terrestres i marines a l'interior, repartides en 17 hàbitats personalitzats i una selva amazònica en miniatura.
10:00 -
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L'Aquàrium d'Istanbul, Florya
Şenlikköy, Yeşilköy Halkalı Cd. No:93, 34153 Florya/İstanbul, Turkey, 34153, Istanbul
Anteriorment conegut com a Vialand, Isfanbul és un parc temàtic i complex d'entreteniment situat al districte d'Eyüp a Istanbul, Turquia. El parc ofereix una àmplia gamma de atraccions emocionants i clàssics del recinte firal, i està dissenyat en part amb un estil arquitectònic que reflecteix l'herència otomana de Turquia.
Anteriorment conegut com el Parc Zoològic Bois de Vincennes, el parc zoològic de París de 14,5 hectàrees es va sotmetre recentment a dos anys de reformes, donant a aquest famós parc zoològic importants característiques ambientals naturals i molt espai perquè els animals vagin.
Els hàbitats animals s'han agrupat en cinc 'biozones', i el zoològic compta amb sis restaurants i una serra plena de selva tropical de 4.000 m2. És visible des de molt lluny, gràcies a la Big Rock, una mini muntanya artificial de 65 m d'alçada, que és un símbol icònic del Parc Zoològic de París.
Només tens unes hores a Istanbul? Si hi ha un lloc on anar, és a la plaça Sultanahmet. Com a centre històric de l'antiga Istanbul, compta amb alguns dels monuments més significatius de la ciutat.
Des d'aquí pots arribar fàcilment a la majoria de llocs d'interès arquitectònic, com la Mesquita Blava, el Museu de Santa Sofia i la Cisterna Basílica.
La plaça Sultanahmet conté molts bancs, fonts i zones verdes. Els tramvies circulen per la zona per accedir fàcilment a les atraccions locals.