  1. Islanda
  2. Hafnarfjörður
  3. Ishestar Horse Stables

Biglietti per Ishestar Horse Stables

4.5 (11 recensioni)

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1 opzione • da 119,03 USD

Recensioni Ishestar Horse Stables

11 recensioni verificate dei clienti
3 recensioni
Kati,  Finland Finland
18 feb 2023
Wonderful experience. We haven’t ever be on horse and this was amazing. Staff was really really great and friendly and this was first time that I wasn’t afraid the horses. Extra points for them...
Wonderful experience. We haven’t ever be on horse and this was amazing. Staff was really really great and friendly and this was first time that I wasn’t afraid the horses. Extra points for them for taking care of our own studip mistake. Highly recommended. Go if you have a chance
Horseback Riding with Icelandic Horses through the Lava Fields of Hafnarfjörður
Soilikki,  Finland Finland
04 gen 2020
Staff was friendly. You get the gear/clothes if you have not got (raining coat etc) If you are experienced rider, maybe a bit boring if you want to ride fast. Horses are easy and stay together....
Staff was friendly. You get the gear/clothes if you have not got (raining coat etc) If you are experienced rider, maybe a bit boring if you want to ride fast. Horses are easy and stay together. Hot cocoa was good after cold day.
Horseback Riding with Icelandic Horses through the Lava Fields of Hafnarfjörður
Evette,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
02 dic 2022
Our experience was truly magical, and the fantastic friendly polite knowledgeable staff made this experience unforgettable, all ladies were amazing. Horses are beautiful, and very well cared for,...
Our experience was truly magical, and the fantastic friendly polite knowledgeable staff made this experience unforgettable, all ladies were amazing. Horses are beautiful, and very well cared for, I can recommend this trip as one not to be missed. Ty to all Xx
Horseback Riding with Icelandic Horses through the Lava Fields of Hafnarfjörður

Informazioni su: Ishestar Horse Stables

Ishestar Horse Stables è un tour operator che organizza passeggiate a cavallo in Islanda. Situato circa a 15 km fuori da Rekyavik, Ishestar offre ai visitatori della capitale islandese un modo eccellente di scoprire la bellezza straordinaria della natura in piccoli gruppi condotti da istruttori di equitazione, simpatici e professionali.

Ishestar Horse Stables
Sörlaskeið 26, 220, Hafnarfjörður
Apri con Maps

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