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  4. Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách

Vstupenky na: Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách

4.2 (133 recenze)

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2 možnosti/možností • od 26,60 US$

Výběr Tiqets

Prohlídka s průvodcem

Neapolis: prohlídka s průvodcem

Dostupné dnes
  • Trvání: 1 h 15 min
  • Živý průvodce v jazycích: italština
4,5 (33)
30,40 US$

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Recenze: Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách

133 recenze/recenzí ověřených zákazníků

Obrázky zákazníka

3 recenze
Dave,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
22 kvě 2024
No problem booking - but read the instructions carefully, you have to take the QR code sent by Tiqets to the ticket office and exchange it for paper tickets to get into the site
Neapolis Archaeological Park: Entry Ticket + Audio Guide
Vibeke ,  Denmark Denmark
18 čvc 2024
Very good
Neapolis Archaeological Park: Entry Ticket + Audio Guide
Alla,  United States United States
14 čvn 2024
We had the worst experience. There is no parking, you have to drive around to find the place to park, finally we found a small lot not far from the site, cost us 6 euros to park. We walked to the...
We had the worst experience. There is no parking, you have to drive around to find the place to park, finally we found a small lot not far from the site, cost us 6 euros to park. We walked to the entrance, there was a kiosk with the sign saying Biglietti which is Tickets in English. There were two clerks/sales staff inside, they kept ignoring us while chatting with some friends (I speak some Italian). Finally, I came up to the window and asked for assistance, I showed the electronic version of a ticket and asked how to get the paper ticket as per the instructions from Tiquets.com. The clerk told us that this kiosk doesn’t deal with the tickets and we need to go to another kiosk. After asking around where the “other” ticket kiosk is located we finally found it, stood in line just as if we were to buy tickets there. Basically, we didn’t save any time or effort by using Tiqets.com. The whole archaeological park is very disorganized, hard to understand where to go, the exhibits are not marked by the numbers to follow while on the audio device, they do give you the map wich is numbered but it is hard to follow the map. Basically we just listened to the audio guide and just walked around randomly. I must warn you, Bring your driver’s license with you if you paid for the audio guide, they ask you to leave your driver’s license when you check out the audio guide and give it back to you upon return which has to be one hour prior to the site closure. Make sure you stand in the right line when you checking out and returning the audio guide. There were four clerks sitting in the kiosk so there were four lines to each window. I just stood in one of the lines because I saw that the window stating Audio Guide was empty, there was no one sitting at that specific window. After standing there for 10 min, I finally get to the sales person who tells me she will not accept the device from me and that I have to stand in the line to that specific window. I pointed out that there is no one behind that counter, she I skated I go and stand there. Finally, after another 10 min, the sales person showed up and took he device and gave me back my driver’s license which they kept right there in the small box that doesn’t even have a lock! Any of the sales people at the counter could’ve done it. This was the biggest disappointment during our 2 weeks long trip to Sicily.
Neapolis Archaeological Park: Entry Ticket + Audio Guide

O: Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách

Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách má bohatou minulost. Tahle památka ve svahu už hostila vše, od divadelních představení a bohoslužeb až po velké akce a veřejné procesy. V řecké a římské éře byla na Sicílii důležitým místem.

Konala se tu dokonce i gladiátorská zápolení. Krvavému sportu římského impéria přihlíželo až 15 000 diváků. Postavíš se na stejné místo, kde před dávnými staletími lidé bojovali se lvy.

Tohle archeologické naleziště je skvělé pro objevování. Ruiny šeptají neuvěřitelné příběhy, které nadchnou milovníky historie i náhodné návštěvníky.

Řecké divadlo v Syrakusách
Greek Theater, Via Luigi Bernabò Brea, Syracuse, Province of Syracuse, Italy, 96100, Syrakusy
Otevřít v Mapách

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