With help of my excellent guides Juampi and Aldo I did it!! But it was very challenging. For your photos is highly recommended.
The Kourouoma Frozen Waterfalls
Robert ,
09 jan. 2024
Korouoma Canyon Frozen Waterfalls
10 mrt. 2024
Really great trip, the canyon and the waterfall were stunning! Really good value for money as well! Slight cons- This activity is listed as moderate intensity, everyone in my group was...
Really great trip, the canyon and the waterfall were stunning! Really good value for money as well! Slight cons- This activity is listed as moderate intensity, everyone in my group was definitely nowhere near of a ‘moderate intensity’ standard. We had to stop every 5 minutes for people to catch up. After seeing the waterfalls there was a small incline to get up which everyone struggled with. I think in the future this tour company should divide groups into fitness levels because waiting for everyone was quite frustrating. Another con: I’m personally quite adventurous & wanted to see the waterfalls closer but wasn’t allowed, I understand the small risk but I think the liability should’ve been on me as to if I wanted to climb it. I watched other members of the public climb to see it closer and not being allowed was quite annoying. (Some of the pictures were very deceiving on the booking site, making it look like getting close to the waterfalls was standard) Despite these cons it was a really good experience, really stunning waterfalls, very friendly guide, punctual & professional. The BBQ was very nice. I would do it again, just not with a tour company so I could do the hike at my own pace, and get closer to the waterfalls if I wanted to (I left it too late to get a car, if you’re in a similar situation this is definitely worth doing with the tour company)
Korouoma Canyon Frozen Waterfalls
Over: Bevroren waterval Rovaniemi
De Bevroren Waterval in Rovaniemi is een hoeksteen van de winterse landschappen van Rovaniemi. Met deze selectie van tochten naar de Bevroren Waterval in Rovaniemi kunnen bezoekers zich verwonderen over de etherische schoonheid van deze ijzige plek, de wildernis ontdekken, genieten van rondleidingen en weer in contact komen met de natuur.
Bezoekers van Bevroren waterval Rovaniemi kochten ook
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