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Praga: Sopar tradicional amb espectacle popular i begudes il·limitades

Un sopar típic de Czeck amb begudes incloses i un espectacle folklòric tradicional

Hora d'inici 19:30
Durada: 2 h 30 min
Proveïdor: Fun in Prague
Adreça registrada: Jana Růžičky 1143, 148 00, Praha, CZ
Informació de contacte

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Què s'inclou

Sopar de 4 plats: tria el menú tradicional, de pollastre o vegetarià
Espectacle folklòric de 2,5 hores amb ballarins i músics increïbles
Begudes il·limitades, incloent cervesa, vi negre o blanc, refrescos i aigua
Trasllat a l'establiment (si s'ha seleccionat l'opció)

Què no s'inclou


Informació important

Tots els hostes que tinguin una comanda s'asseuran a la mateixa taula.

Punt de trobada

Praha 5, 152 00, Praga

  • Submergeix-te en la cultura i el menjar txec amb una festa tradicional i un espectacle folklòric submergint-te en les activitats
  • Gaudeix d'un sopar de 4 plats amb receptes txeques originals d'un llarg patrimoni, amb begudes alcohòliques i refrescos inclosos
  • Uneix-te a la celebració amb ballarins i músics amb vestits tradicionals de les regions txeca i morava

Praga es diverteix molt darrere de les seves portes tancades, però estàs a punt de trencar algunes obertures amb aquest tiquet superior. Parla d'una experiència cultural!

Submergeix-te en les tradicions úniques de Praga i la cultura txeca mentre gaudeixes d'un deliciós sopar txec, acompanyat d'un espectacle folklòric amb balls, cançons i disfresses tradicionals. El menjar és abundant i hi ha molts per triar, com ara ànec, pollastre, porc, vegetarià, pollastre halal, semicosher, truita i molt més.

Tots els aliments es serveixen al centre de la taula o com a bufet de jardí. Fins i tot hi ha un menú infantil. S'inclouen begudes il·limitades; hi ha cervesa, vi negre o blanc, refrescos i aigua

Pots unir-te als músics si vols! Ajuda'ls a cantar cançons de les regions de Bohèmia i Moràvia i fins i tot a ballar algunes de les seves danses nacionals. Em pots dir com és la teva Mazurka?

Al final de l'espectacle, podràs cantar les cançons nacionals del teu país amb la banda.

Mostra el tiquet a l'entrada.

  • Es pot cancel·lar fins a 24 hores abans de la data de visita.
  • Es pot reprogramar la visita fins a 24 hores abans de la data de visita.

Valoracions i ressenyes

3 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

3 ressenyes
luiz,  Belgium Belgium
13 de maig 2024
It was an amazing night. A lot of fun and good food. The staff was very attentive and fulfilled all of our requests. Some remarks are important to say: - Bring cash with yourself, because there...
It was an amazing night. A lot of fun and good food. The staff was very attentive and fulfilled all of our requests. Some remarks are important to say: - Bring cash with yourself, because there will be some additional things that they will offer you some additional things that you will not regret buying. Like the delicious Hydromel. - The address shown in Tiqets is incorrect. This was also stated by a previous customer. You should look for the "Folklore Garden" at vedle točny, Na Zlíchově 18, 152 00 tramvaje-Praha 5. For those that come by car, it is important to know.
Apart of that, it was an amazing night.
Dinner with Folk Show in Prague
IAN,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
17 de des. 2023
The performers were energetic and enthusiastic and the food was tasty accompanied by generous drinks
Dinner with Folk Show in Prague
Mark,  United States United States
03 d’oct. 2023
This was a wonderful experience through and through. The entire staff was very polite and kind. The room is laid out nicely so everyone can see the entertainment. It's a decently sized hall so...
This was a wonderful experience through and through. The entire staff was very polite and kind. The room is laid out nicely so everyone can see the entertainment. It's a decently sized hall so maybe some of the benches in the back would be a bit far away. I happened to be seated up close.
As a solo traveler, they seated me with a couple small groups which was really nice, as I found it easier to make conversation as opposed to some other venues that seat all the solo travelers together.
The entertainers were very talented, and there is a whole mix of instruments, singing, and dancing. I really felt like they enjoyed being there and performing for us. They even invite some of you to participate, which was very funny. No experience required. They walk you through exactly how a particular dance goes. We also got to sing along in some parts. So the energy in the hall was great.
The food was yummy. I had a traditional dish, which was a bit of ham, chicken, and beef, but you can also get a specific meat if you want. This isn't a Michelin-star restaurant or anything, but the portions were very generous. Combined with the entertainment and the unlimited drinks (which they were very generous with), this was a great value.
As a bonus, some of the dancers were on the same tram as me going home and they were so kind to help make sure I bought the correct ticket and got to the correct stop. So kind! Their English was great so I talked to them about their experience and Prague.
The entertainers and band do change from day to day, but my experience was one of the best I've had in my week here at Prague. I highly recommend this.
PS - at least at the time of writing this, the GPS location on this Tiqets listing is incorrect. You want to go to the "Folklore Garden". It's outside the city center a bit, so you'll need to arrange transportation, but there's a tram stop right in front of the place.
Dinner with Folk Show in Prague

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