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Везувий: входной билет + аудиогид + поездка из Неаполя в оба конца

Поднимитесь на вершину знаменитой горы Везувий

Аудиогид: Английский, испанский, итальянский, немецкий, французский
Быстрый проход
Поставщик услуг: Beducci travel bus srl
Юридический адрес: via arena s.vito 57/a, 80056, Ercolano, IT
Контактные данные

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Входной билет в национальный парк Везувия
Трансфер из Неаполя в Везувий и обратно
Аудиогид с геолокацией на нескольких языках
Гид, который будет сопровождать вас в походе
Наушники для аудиогида

Величественно возвышающаяся над Неаполитанским заливом гора Везувий, один из немногих действующих вулканов в Европе, доминирует над горизонтом.

В его предгорьях раскинулся одноименный Национальный парк, охраняемый заповедник, сохраняющий богатое биоразнообразие как флоры, так и фауны.

С этой точки вы можете увидеть Неаполь и Помпеи снизу – и в ясный день, вплоть до побережья Амальфи!

  • Отмена бронирования возможна не позднее чем за 24 часа до посещения.
  • Посещение можно перенести не позднее чем за 24 часа до даты визита.

Оценки и отзывы

6 проверенных отзывов клиентов

Фотографии клиентов

3 отзывы
Francisco Javier,  Philippines Philippines
21 мая 2024
El bus paso por las paradas que indican...mas o menos a la hora.....el servicio a sido correcto..y la guia tambien..las entradas para ver el gran cono están incluidas,a mitad de camino cambiamos a...
El bus paso por las paradas que indican...mas o menos a la hora.....el servicio a sido correcto..y la guia tambien..las entradas para ver el gran cono están incluidas,a mitad de camino cambiamos a un mini bus para subir al volcan,.....la vuelta es a las 13:30,15:30 y 16:30 como lo indican....tambien con el mismo mini bus de subida,de la compañia tramvia,volvemos a cambiar de bus a mitad de camino y te van dejando en las mismas paradas,incluso a la del puerto de cruceros..todo a ido bien
Vesuvius: Entry Ticket + Audioguide + Roundtrip From Naples
Demi,  Netherlands Netherlands
02 мая 2024
The bus drive was good, but I was not able to get in because the tickets I got send in my mail were not valid. It was a real struggle to manage to find out what the problen was because there was...
The bus drive was good, but I was not able to get in because the tickets I got send in my mail were not valid. It was a real struggle to manage to find out what the problen was because there was no service at that location. The organisation sent me the valid tickets too late so I didn´t see them. Luckily I got in eventually. The audiotour didn´t work. I think because I needed internet for this and there wasn´t service. I paid for nothing.
Vesuvius: Entry Ticket + Audioguide + Roundtrip From Naples
Anthony,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
07 мая 2024
Bus from 368 Toledo (opposite KFC) was 10 mins late. Tiqets QR voucher not valid for Vesuvious entry. You need a Vivaticket. Rep. on bus very good, contacted Tiqets office and said I would receive...
Bus from 368 Toledo (opposite KFC) was 10 mins late. Tiqets QR voucher not valid for Vesuvious entry. You need a Vivaticket. Rep. on bus very good, contacted Tiqets office and said I would receive tickets on Whatsapp. but they came by email! No phone signal at vesuvious gate, so you have to scan QR code on large signs to log-on to WIFI. This did not work so had to use code that some helpful tourist had written on the left hand doorframe of the red cafe building! The return minibus may look completely different to the one that dropped you off, but they do not warn you of this, A white minibus with large TRAMVIA logo dropped us off. There are lots of buses and taxis constantly coming and going. We missed the return bus (along with an Austrian couple), as we were both looking for a similar bus. After a 90 min wait, a black minibus arrived with tramvia written in very small writing on the door. The connecting coach (coming from Pompei) back to Napoli was full, so had to wait about 20 mins for another coach. We got there in the end, but whole experience seemed very disorganised and I needed a beer afterwards (a large one!).
Vesuvius: Entry Ticket + Audioguide + Roundtrip From Naples

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