  1. Regno Unito
  2. Stoke-on-Trent
  3. Alton Towers Resort

Biglietti per Alton Towers Resort

4.3 (63 recensioni)

Verifica la disponibilità

1 opzione • da 43,04 USD

Cose da fare all'Alton Towers

Arrampicati, scivola e rimbalza in un fantastico mondo di giochi e avventure, incontra Hey Duggee e raccogli il badge Big Adventure.

Immergiti in immagini e suoni preistorici e vedi cosa puoi scoprire scavando attraverso uno spettacolo interattivo dal vivo con alcuni favolosi fossili di pericolosi dinosauri!

I più piccoli possono dare sfogo a curiosità e immaginazione mentre esplorano la casa di Gran Gran in questa attrazione interattiva.

Recensioni Alton Towers Resort

63 recensioni verificate dei clienti

Immagini dei visitatori

3 recensioni
Maninder,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
15 apr 2024
We had a great time there, we enjoy so many roller coaster rides. But i have a toddler and a baby, not much for them there, so they get bore. Otherwise everything was good. It was my second time there.
We had a great time there, we enjoy so many roller coaster rides. But i have a toddler and a baby, not much for them there, so they get bore. Otherwise everything was good. It was my second time there.
Alton Towers Resort
Jackie,  United Kingdom United Kingdom
27 giu 2024
A brilliant way to access tickets, we were able to get a 2 day pass through Tiqets, it was really simple, we had a fantastic time and I will definately be using Tiqets again for future trips. Excellent.
A brilliant way to access tickets, we were able to get a 2 day pass through Tiqets, it was really simple, we had a fantastic time and I will definately be using Tiqets again for future trips. Excellent.
Alton Towers Resort
29 ott 2024
Fab day at Alton Towers. Quick and easy to buy tickets for the whole family through Tiqets. Got an email and downloaded them within minutes of purchasing. Scanned the tickets at the turnstiles....
Fab day at Alton Towers. Quick and easy to buy tickets for the whole family through Tiqets. Got an email and downloaded them within minutes of purchasing. Scanned the tickets at the turnstiles. Saved £5 per ticket compared to buying through Alton Towers.
Alton Towers Resort

Informazioni su: Alton Towers Resort

L'Alton Towers Resort si trova a Staffordshire, in Inghilterra, e include un parco divertimenti, un parco acquatico, un mini-golf e un complesso alberghiero. Qui puoi trovare ben dieci spericolate montagne russe e molte altre attrazioni. Il parco accoglie circa due milioni di visitatori ogni anno.

Alton Towers Resort
Alton Towers Resort, Farley Ln, Alton, ST10 4DB, Stoke-on-Trent
Apri con Maps

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