This 55-acre oasis in the heart of Vancouver boasts over 7,500 plant species and bloomin' marvelous varieties of flora from around the world! Get lost in an amazing cedar tree maze, spot robins, sparrows, and butterflies, and count the stone sculptures and fountains.
The staff here plot out new self-guided tours all the time, so there's always a new route to explore at VanDusen Botanical Garden.
Located on an old golf course, it's still a hole lot of fun, thanks to tweeting birds, a fun Elizabethan maze of 3,000 pyramidal cedars to get lost in, and family-friendly restaurants and cafes to stop the rumbling tums.
See if the local wildlife stays still long enough for you to photograph it - those robins are pretty quick on their feet.
Take a peek inside the multi-award winning LEED Platinum Visitor Centre and relax in nature, knowing your city essentials are never too far away!