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Castel Sant'Angelo + Coliseu i presó Mamertina

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Des de 58,78 USD -5%

55,84 USD

Els visitants estalvien un 7,00 USD de mitjana

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100 % digital

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

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Castel Sant'Angelo: Tiquet d'entrada

Vistes al Tíber des d'aquest emblemàtic mausoleu convertit en museu

Entrada reservada a Castel Sant'Angelo
Accés a les exposicions temporals i permanents
Audioguia digital descarregable de Castel Sant'Angelo (xinès, anglès, francès, alemany, italià, castellà)

Valor normal del tiquet: 22,04 USD

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Coliseu i Presó Mamertina + Audioguia

Accedeix al Coliseu i admira la presó on van tancar emperadors i reis

Entrada al Coliseu
Entrada al Fòrum Romà i el Turó Palatí
Entrada a la presó Mamertina
Visita a peu (si se selecciona)

Valor normal del tiquet: 36,74 USD

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Com arribar

1 Castel Sant'Angelo
2 Coliseu i Presó Mamertina + Audioguia
Obre a Maps
Castel Sant'Angelo: Tiquet d'entrada
  • No es pot reprogramar aquest tiquet.
Coliseu i Presó Mamertina + Audioguia
  • No es pot reprogramar aquest tiquet.
Presó Mamertina
Dissabte 09:00 - 17:00
Diumenge 09:00 - 17:00
Dilluns 09:00 - 17:00
Dimarts 09:00 - 17:00
Dimecres 09:00 - 17:00
Dijous 09:00 - 17:00
Divendres 09:00 - 17:00
Dissabte 08:30 - 16:30
Diumenge 08:30 - 16:30
Dilluns 08:30 - 16:30
Dimarts 08:30 - 16:30
Dimecres 08:30 - 16:30
Dijous 08:30 - 16:30
Divendres 08:30 - 16:30
Palatine Hill
Dissabte Tancat
Diumenge Tancat
Dilluns Tancat
Dimarts Tancat
Dimecres Tancat
Dijous Tancat
Divendres Tancat
Castel Sant'Angelo
Dissabte 09:00 - 19:30
Diumenge 09:00 - 19:30
Dilluns 09:00 - 19:30
Dimarts 09:00 - 19:30
Dimecres 09:00 - 19:30
Dijous 09:00 - 19:30
Divendres 09:00 - 19:30
Castel Sant'Angelo: Tiquet d'entrada

preu deCastel Sant’Angelo l'entrada

  • Adult (18anyso més): 16 €
  • Reduït (18-25 UE): 2 €
  • Entrada gratuïta (0-17): 0 €
Coliseu i Presó Mamertina + Audioguia
  • Cal presentar un document d'identificació vàlid per a qualsevol de les opcions. Si les dades personals no són correctes, no es podrà accedir al Coliseu.
  • Tingues en compte que la presó de Mamertine i el Coliseu es troben a 13 minuts a peu l'un de l'altre


  • Visita a la presó Mamertina
  • Visita al Coliseu
  • Visita al Fòrum Romà i el Turó Palatí

Valoracions i ressenyes

7 ressenyes de clients verificades

Imatges del client

Eslam ,  Canadà Canadà
31 de des. 2024
Molt dolenta
This is very unclear, the package I bought from tiqets included an audio guide app but the there was a date on the audio guide app, so it was not clear if that access to the app is on a specific...
This is very unclear, the package I bought from tiqets included an audio guide app but the there was a date on the audio guide app, so it was not clear if that access to the app is on a specific day only or how does it work. Because of lack of clarity, I didn’t want to mess up the remainder of the package dates for the entry of the Colosseum and Saint Angelo castel, I ended up not using the city guide app at all.
Eslam ,  Canadà Canadà
31 de des. 2024
Great place to see and explore, however it could use a lot of some better organization of entry and inside the monument itself.
We visited as a family with the booking made through tiqets, It...
Great place to see and explore, however it could use a lot of some better organization of entry and inside the monument itself.
We visited as a family with the booking made through tiqets, It took me going back and forth a couple of times to understand that the booking through tiqet is a voucher that has to be replaced by actual tickets to be able to enter.
The police (Carabiniera) came to ask me why I’m standing in front of the washrooms at the entrance (very weird as a question) I explained that I’m waiting for my wife and daughter who are inside the washroom. This was not an isolated incident to me but the policemen went on to ask every single other person that was around the same question they asked me. After that the policemen actually went inside the washroom apparently to search it!! Very unnecessary showoff of force & questioning.
Eslam ,  Canadà Canadà
31 de des. 2024
Very interesting place to visit, however the organization of the venue is not up to par and the washrooms and facilities are not well maintained.

Combinacions seleccionades manualment

Combina els teus preferits a Roma. Algunes coses són millors de dues en dues.

Des de 58,78 USD -5%

55,84 USD
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